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Download PRTG Network Monitor

PRTG Network Monitor


Monitor your entire IT infrastructure with Paessler PRTG monitoring tools
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IT & IoT Monitoring

IT and IoT monitoring in one platform..

PRTG monitors your entire IT infrastructure.

All important technologies are supported:

 SNMP: ready-to-use and custom options

 WMI and Windows Performance Counters

 SSH: for Linux/Unix and macOS systems

 Traffic analysis using flow protocols or packet sniffing

 HTTP requests

 REST APIs returning XML or JSON

 Ping, SQL, and many more



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Arctic EWS

Protect your business instantly with industry-leading 24/7 cyber protection – and no commitments. Catch security breaches, malware, and vulnerabilities in your network that criminals can exploit.

Your early warning service for cybersecurity issues. Arctic EWS generates security reports that give you the full picture of your network and the cyber threats it faces. It identifies the early signs of security breaches and vulnerable services so that you can prevent issues before they happen, and save costs in the process.

Get Early Warning
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IoT for Enterprise, build and deploy your smart IoT products & solutions

FAVORIOT offers an IOT platform specifically designed for any Internet of Things (IoT) projects. The platform is developed to support the integration of data from sensors and actuators on the internet. Collecting and storing data from IOT devices become much easier. Moreover, the platform also helps developers in building vertical applications without worry about the hosting.

Trial FavorIoT Platform



#1 Cost-Effective Backup Software

Comprehensive backup and disaster recovery tailored for business of all sizes and types with enhanced ransomware defence

Download Software BDRSuite

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Want to know more on Cybermonitor


F.C.A.P.S Solution

Intelligence Network Management System

Quickly x Easily x Visualize

1.Fault Management

Auto-detection, Auto warning, Log report, Issue tracking

2.Configuration Management

Setting the behavior on ports or devices such as enabled/disabled switch ports and blocked selected Mac/IP addresses. Auto backup configuration of device and comparison difference. Dispatch script to multiple devices

3.Accounting Management

Statistics traffic of the particular IP and system for billing or expansion purposes

4.Performance Management

Monitoring for all kinds of measurements on the device, such as traffic, CPU, RAM, Jitter, MOS, RTT, CRC…etc.

5.Security Management

User management & Authorization, Resource Control, Analysis of log report of the firewall

Download UVExplorer



Optimize Your PRTG Experience

  • UVexplorer’s network discovery is fast and gives you a detailed picture of your network and devices in just a few minutes. 
  • UVexplorer works hard to discover the low-level structure of your network, so it understands exactly how your devices are connected at the Layer-2 link and port level. 
  • UVexplorer collects detailed inventory information for the devices on your network
  • UVexplorer automatically creates sensors on devices that are exported into PRTG
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